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Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Riddle Me This...

I assure you, I've murdered the 1954 poster for Godzilla for an entirely logical reason

 Answers on the back of a postcard

Sunday, 19 June 2011

The Degree Show

The above photo is a dramatisation of events, which may have occurred in a parallel universe 

The text below refers to the actual events, in our universe

So Don never did show up, and Kirk might not have beamed down from the Enterprise to seduce Betty, however alot of other people did turn up - I can say with great certainty I've never seen so many people mill about the studio floors. Initially I was running around, incredibly nervous - trying to make sure no disasters were occurring (I suspect to distract myself from working myself up), saving wine glasses and other pressing matters any self respecting gentleman would jump to in an occasion such as this.

So just how was it? Find out after the jump.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Preview to the Degree Show

If you've not heard about it by now, where have you been and how did you stumble across this blog? The De Montfort University Fine Art Degree Show will be opening tomorrow!

The dates are as follows,

The Preview

Friday 17th June

5.30pm - 8.30pm

The Main Show

Saturday 18th June - Thursday 23rd June

11.00am - 4.00pm

10.00am - 5.00pm

Whilst there is a chance Don might not being coming, (he hasnt got back to me yet) you can be sure that I'll be there. You'd better be too, otherwise you'll be square (in some cases its actually hip to be square, not this instance however).

Sunday, 12 June 2011

'Operation: Door Paint!'

You may (or may not) have noticed a lull in the exciting and usually oh so lively TomRob blog, however do not fear!

My promised second part of the previous post is on its way, just postponed slightly, for now I'll run you through this past week. There was much confusion over the schedule, which meant from the original provisional committee, only three of the members (myself, Antonia and Callum) actually showed up on the Monday- then there were the ones who came for the next meeting a day early. As a result we took immediate action, Justice League style; timetables were drawn up, including a rota sheet, as well as a price list.

Things seemed to be going swimmingly - until we came up against our very own deadly Kryptonite, what I dub 'Operation: Door Paint!'.

I hear you cry 'Tom! You sad bastard!', but please bear with me. The entire team of third years gladly and dutifully painted the floors and doors during the assessments, a few weeks ago, little did we know what a farce it would turn out to be.

So why am I complaining about it, and just what is William Shatner doing in my post?