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Friday, 29 July 2011

Fairford, Borremans and Hale

A couple of weeks ago I went to the RAF Fairford, to see the Air Tattoo airshow. I had my DSLR with me - it was a perfect opportunity to take some good shots. 

What I've found though, curiously (or perhaps not so), is that after looking at them I'm drawn not to the planes but to the figures, which were caught in the line of sight at the time and of course their blurred nature appealed. I've selected a few photos which I feel have the most potential out of the whole, which you can see above and of course after the jump.

Saturday, 23 July 2011


A little heads up for those of you who may be unaware - my work, along with three fellow graduates (Antonia Eleftheriou, Gokulna Joshi and Daniel Proud), are taking part in an exhibition entitled 'Resonance', which is curated by Khush Nubian. She has arranged for it to be shown at the Nine Bar, 74 Narborough Road, Leicester.

All of the work is for sale and any inquires may be sent to either the bar itself, or directly through the artists.

It opened earlier this week, and will be running for a good two months, so don't miss it!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Bacon and his incunabula

Every movement of the brush on the canvas alters the shape and implications of the image. That is why real painting is a mysterious and continuous struggle with chance - mysterious because the very substance of the paint, when used in this way, can make such a direct assault upon the nervous system; continuous because the medium is so fluid and subtle that every change that is made loses what is already there in the hope of making a fresh gain.

The quote you see above originates from a 1953 interview with Francis Bacon, which has more recently surfaced in a book entitled Incunabula. The volume serves as a sort of visual record of Bacon's working practice, and his source images which were most influential to him. It's most enlightening for those of you who may be familiar with his work, simply because covers everything from wartime photos, to newspaper clippings, with instances of his own personal photography as well as personal sketches. 

The sketch in the photo is from my own personal journal, and depicts a painting which Bacon executed in 1982 - Study of the Human Body.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

First Class Honours

The results are in and even Doc Brown can't believe it. After three years of studying, I've been awarded a first, wait whats that? 'Great Scott!' - ok, calm down!

I thought I should also post some images of my work as well as the space which it was located in for the degree show itself, to give you an idea of how my work was hung (the sparsity shocked a few tutors!), check it out after the jump.