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Friday, 9 September 2011

Untitled 11-i

For the past four weeks I've been working on a rather large painting at least by my standards, what is now Untitled 11-i. The painting measures 47" x 37" and at times as is usual when I find myself painting it has been incredibly trying, dreadful even.

Today though rather unexpectedly, I set to work and stood back from it after a few hours work and felt content with it for the first time, a detail of the second figures face and a full view of the painting are included after the jump.

This may seem familiar, and with good reason! It's a reworked version of what I posted a few weeks ago, under 'A sneak peak'. For the work as a whole it can be found below and I strongly recommend that you full view the photo, as the thumbnail doesn't really do it enough justice. 

The one remaining part of this formula is to apply the varnish, but I'll leave the paint to settle for a while first. The love affair I have with varnish doesn't seem to want to go away and with good reason too, as soon as it's applied the whole painting will come alive. The transparent layers I've painted will pop out at the viewer - expect to see this, along with a planned pair to go into the New Walk/City Gallery Open 23, later on this year (that is as soon as they announce it).


  1. I've watched this work develop. To me, subjectively, the facial expression of both screams of lost opportunity, and this juxtaposes nicely with the 'holiday' setting, combined with the dark background and the jacket on the man's shoulders. The lack of visible eyes also suggest to me a sense of loss, which again, with the holiday setting (deckchairs et al) make the piece a lot more sinister than first glance would suggest.

  2. Hi Tom. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing painting with us.
    I find it interesting to imagine a story behind this image. The man's gaze (in the right) suggests that he has noticed our presence, which is quite disturbing. But what intrigues me most is the character from the left, who seems lost in thought, oblivious to our presence. Moreover, I dare to say he looks petrified, as if he had become aware of something that the other character doesn't know yet. Or is he just reflecting on what he read in his book? I'd like to find out more...
    I find your technique amazing, as I said before. And I agree with you about the varnish that will give it another dimension. Too bad I can't see it in person.
    Congrats on this magnificent piece.
    Nuno F.

  3. He, on the left feels unreal to me, like a statue. She (I perceive her as a she) feels very real, i love her hand, moving her hair back. I have no idea what is around them and I like that and I am interested that they feel like they exist in two separate realities.
